Government Briefs

A leadership guide for the risk leader
June 6, 2021
Strategies and tools, including a user friendly checklist, are contained in this Risk Management Resource for those leading risk in their organisation.

Communicating risks using a heat map
May 3, 2021
Part of a Risk Management Toolkit, this resource assists in decision-making and to promote the productivity of risk assessment.

Governmental financial resilience: Assessing research impact
March 17, 2021
The AICPA’s Government Performance & Accountability Committee in conjunction with five European universities provide insight and discussion regarding resilience in the public sector.

Mitigate organisational risks with a updated risk heat map
March 1, 2021
This risk heat map is the first in a series of new and updated resources to assist your organisation in risk management.

Have a plan but be flexible ...
February 1, 2021
Kristen Kociolek, CPA, CGMA
Director on the Financial Management and Assurance team of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) in Washington, D.C.

How one government auditor improved employee training
January 19, 2021
Stephanie Palmertree, CPA, CGMA, and 2020 Outstanding CPA in Government State level Impact Award Winner shares the success of improving employee training. Ms. Palmertree is the director of the Mississippi State Auditor's financial and compliance division.

Government Audit Committees – Part 4 – Tools for government
October 12, 2020
In the final report of a four-part series on government audit committees, this resource provides tools for best practice in the audit committee. 

Recruiting top finance talent in the public sector
October 10, 2020
Prospective employees often seek more than just a hefty starting salary. Here’s how to attract and hire outstanding talent in government.

How public sector finance management can adjust to COVID-19
September 14, 2020
Even as the pandemic drains revenue, governments must brace themselves for more of the same. Here’s how bright public servants will keep the lights on.

Government Audit Committees – Part 3 – There’s more to consider: Internal audit function, independent auditors and risk management
June 24, 2020

In the third of a four-part series on government audit committees, this report provides best practices in identifying controls, fraud and understanding and acting upon audit findings.

Audit committee checklist for COVID-19
May 2020

Audit committees and other governing bodies are facing new challenges to the governance, oversight, and management of the organisation directly related to the COVID-19 event. This tool is designed to assist in those activities. 

Government Audit Committees – Part 2 – Hitting your stride: Understanding internal controls, fraud and audit findings
April 2020
In the second of a four-part series on government audit committees, this report provides best practices in identifying controls, fraud and understanding and acting upon audit findings.

PA Department of Revenue - a case study in transformation
February 2020
The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue (PA DOR) five-year Transformation Plan - a three-pronged approach to modernizing its business processes, realigning resources, and empowering employees.

Government Audit Committees – Part 1 – Charter, Roles and Responsibilities
January 2020

In the first of a four-part series on government audit committees, this report provides best practices in defining, assigning, and implementing the roles and responsibilities of each member within the audit committee charter.

Why the Yellow Book is Really Gold - Performance Auditing Standards
January 2020

The second article in a three-part series, this piece provides more detail on the professional standards associated with governmental performance audits.

The Real Oversight is NOT Having an Audit Committee
October 2019
A quick read addressing the specifics of a governmental audit committee.

20 Things I Learned during my Government Career
July 2019

An adaption from her contribution to Leadership Secrets of Government Financial Officials, a view of 20 things learned over a career in government.

Does Your Organization have a Need for an Independent Eye on Performance? Alternative Engagement Types: Consulting Services, Agreed-Upon Procedures, and Performance Audits
April 2019
This is the first article in a three-part series focusing on performance audits. The primary focus of this article is to discuss the differences of three types of engagements - consulting services, agreed-upon procedures, and performance audits - and to provide guidance when a performance audit might be an option. 

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Unlocking Their Potential in Auditing
December 2018
Understand how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can add to auditing capabilities adding value to all
phases of an audit: planning, fieldwork, and reporting.

GAO Updates the “Yellow Book,” the Preeminent Standards for Government Auditing
August 2018
This brief describes the new 2018 key changes to the Yellow Book.

Transformation - Improving government performance
July 2018
From the Four T’s of local government performance, this report highlights case studies of transformation initiatives from around the world, identifying common barriers and the critical success factors which must be addressed.

Cybersecurity & Privacy Enhancements
May 2018
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is updating their 3 major guidelines dealing with cybersecurity, risk and privacy. These changes address the “Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure.” All federal agencies are required to take an enterprise approach to cybersecurity risk management, including assessment and mitigation.

Winning the War for Talent In The Public Sector 
March 2018

This offers actionable items to the challenges of attracting and retaining talent in the public sector.

Enterprise Risk Management: A Best Practice in Managing Federal Programs 
March 2018

This brief describes how ERM has been adopted as a best practice leading to recent revisions to the policy environment around government operations.

Using Data to Ensure Equity 
February 2018
Government auditing's impact on a city draws attention to inefficiencies or inequitable policies. Recommendations based on assessments to affect positive change work to improve the city and biased-policing policies for the benefit of everyone. The city of Denver auditing function has evolved to safeguard and improve the public’s investment for a better and more transparent city, and to set a nationwide example for equitable policing.

Overcoming Fiscal Hardships in Government
February 2018

Creative actions are helping finance leaders succeed in a challenging public-sector environment.

Technology – Improving government performance: strategy, communication and cybersecurity, Part 2 
January 2018

In Part 2 of the public-sector Technology series, the focus is upon current strategies, methods of effective communication for execution and the all-important hot topic of cybersecurity.  Through real life success stories, the development, implementation and execution of technology strategies are provided, along with the specific challenges government entities may experience.  Specific tips and direction for government entities are imbedded within this document to provide practical take-aways.