State CPA Societies Push Senators to Support Mobile Workforce Bill

April 26, 2016

US state signs graphic

More than 45 state CPA societies are engaged in a push to increase the number of senators co-sponsoring S. 386, the Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act of 2015.  The bill would enhance compliance with state personal income tax laws and greatly simplify the onerous burdens placed on employees who travel outside of their resident states for temporary periods and on employers who have corresponding withholding and reporting requirements.  

The number of co-sponsors on S. 386 has increased from 13 to 22.  The state CPA societies and the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) will continue their efforts to add co-sponsors to the legislation and to have the bill passed. 

In addition to providing relief for employees and business owners, S. 386 would establish a 30-day threshold and other fair, administrable and uniform rules to help ensure that the appropriate amount of tax is paid to state and local jurisdictions.

A similar bill in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R. 2315, has 137 co-sponsors.  The AICPA testified in support of H.R. 2315 at an April 13 House subcommittee hearing.  Read The CPA Advocate story about the hearing testimony.