Volunteering Initiatives

Act locally:

Promote visible role model

The AICPA partners with state CPA societies to host the Women to Watch award.  Currently, the award is offered in Alabama, California, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, and New Mexico, with several more states coming on board this year.  To find out how your state can get involved, contact your state society or email womensinitiatives@aicpa.org

Become a role model

Many state CPA societies have mentor matching programs to pair local members with volunteer mentors. These programs are based on interest area, experience, and individual needs. Contact your local state society to see if they have a program.

Inspire your peers

Introduce your colleagues and peers on how to retain and develop Women Leaders. A workshop/cd is available to give you straightforward advice and a team approach to learning. Experienced professionals will provide support and direction to create a plan that fits your company’s needs.


Share your story:

Individual stories

We want to hear your stories and share them with our readers. What are your thoughts on issues faced by women in the accounting profession? What are your advices? How did you apply them to your professional and personal lives? Contact us at womeninitiatives@aicpa.org.

Specific subject

I you have a particular subject at heart that helped you overcome professional and/or personal obstacles; please share them with us. How can other women in the profession fully benefit from 1) networking, 2) mentoring, 3) off-ramping, 4) adding credentials (IT, internal audit, business valuation, forensics…)? Contact us at womeninitiatives@aicpa.org.


Join the WIEC Community:

Join our Committee as a volunteer:

Fill-out our volunteer questionnaire and send it back to womeninitiatives@aicpa.org with a biography.