Podcast: Business succession planning for your clients: an AICPA ENGAGE sneak peek

February 8, 2019

Recording            |              Podomatic          |              iTunes  

What makes you an invaluable voice in your clients’ lives? In this podcast, Lisa Featherngill interviews Nancy Amick and Amy Jucoski, who share a sneak peek of their session at the 2019 Advanced   Financial Planning Conference at AICPA ENGAGE. Find out:

  • What is business succession planning and why is it so important in your clients’ lives?
  • Why should business owners integrate succession planning into their overall financial plan?
  • What actions do the most successful business owners take to plan for succession?
  • What is the first step to plan for succession?

Dig deeper into this topic and other meaningful opportunities at the 2019 Advanced Personal Financial Planning Conference at AICPA ENGAGE.

The episode is brought to you by the AICPA’s Personal Financial Planning Section, the premier provider of information, tools, advocacy and guidance for professionals who specialize in providing tax, estate, retirement, risk management and investment planning advice and by the CPA/PFS Credential program which allows CPAs to demonstrate competence and confidence in providing these services to their clients. Visit us online at www.aicpa.org/pfp to join our community and gain access to valuable member-only benefits.

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