2017 EBPAQC Archived Alerts

The EBPAQC is committed to helping you keep up-to-date on DOL and and other important employee benefit plan audit developments. Members of the Center receive periodic e-mail EAlert updates on new developments in employee benefit plan auditing, as well as updates on Center activities. Below are the 2017 EBPAQC Archived Alerts. 

Date: 11/08/2017
Alert No: 398
Alert Title: Internal Control Tool; Website Access; EBP Conference; EAQ Progress; Common Misconceptions Webcast; Actuarial Mortality Scale
Date: 05/04/2017
Alert No: 390
Alert Title: New EBPAQC Planning Meeting Tools; EBP Resources; DOL Resources
Date: 02/14/2017
Alert No: 380
Alert Title: EBP Cybersecurity; ERISA Advisory Council; Mortality Tables; PCAOB Staff Guidance; EBSA Acting Chief Accountant; Special Member Benefit—2017 EBP Conference