Women to Watch Award Winners

The AICPA’s Women’s Initiatives Executive Committee (WIEC) initiated the Women to Watch Award Program in 2005 in partnership with several state CPA societies to honor outstanding women in the profession. The Women to Watch awards highlight the accomplishments of women in the profession, and demonstrate to emerging female leaders that success is not out of reach. The events that celebrate the award vary widely, but have one thing in common: they provide a forum for state societies to lead important conversations about issues their female members face.

In addition, women CPAs are eager to network and share best practices, and professional women’s networks are thriving in all areas and industries. The Women to Watch Award Program is an outstanding opportunity for state societies to foster a community and offer visible role models.

The awards are given in two categories: Emerging Leaders and Experienced Leaders. Emerging Leaders are those women who are up-and-coming stars in their organizations, while Experienced Leaders are those who have established their roles as leaders in their organizations by advancing to the highest levels of management or ownership, and by mentoring those following in their footsteps.