AICPA Bylaw Section 630

6.3 Election of Members-at-Large of Council, Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board, and Vice Chairman of the Board

As amended January 14, 1992,
unless otherwise indicated

     .01    At the meeting of the Council held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Institute, following the completion of such other business as the Council may transact, seven Institute members, without regard to the states in which they reside, shall be elected annually by the Council as members-at-large of the Council. This election shall occur prior to the installation of the members of the Council newly elected under section 6.1. The at-large members shall serve for a term of three years or until the election of their successors. At the same meeting, but after all newly elected and designated Council members have been installed, the Council shall elect the chairman of the board, the vice chairman of the board, one-third (or as near to one-third as mathematically possible) of the elected members of the Board of Directors. The elected members of the Board of Directors shall serve for a term of three years or until election of their successors. The Council shall also elect one representative of the public, who is not a member of the Institute, to the Board of Directors for a term of three years, or until election of a successor. Nominations for all these positions on the Board of Directors shall be made by the nominations committee at least six months prior to the annual meeting of the Institute. Notice of those nominations shall be published to the membership of the Institute at least five months prior to such annual meeting. Independent nominations may be made by any twenty members of the Council if filed with the secretary at least four months prior to the annual meeting of the Institute. No nominations from the floor will be recognized. A majority of votes shall elect. Nominees may be invited to the meeting at which the election is to be held, and those elected shall take office as prescribed in section 6.6.

[As amended June 17, 1996; revised May 15, 2000.]

     .02    No member having served for two consecutive full terms as a member-at-large of the Council shall be eligible to serve another such term until at least one year after the completion of the member's second consecutive full term.

            6.3.1. Re-election to Board of Directors

            No elected member of the Board of Directors who has served a full three-year term shall be eligible for re-election to such a term until the meeting of the Council one year after the completion of the member's full three-year term, provided, however, that a public member may be elected to serve a second three-year term.