Not-for-Profit Store
AICPA Not-for-Profit Section members receive exclusive discounts on AICPA NFP products and resources. Join today, and make the most out of your membership discounts. Our most popular professional development activities are featured below. Visit the AICPA Store to view our complete catalog of NFP products.
Featured Professional Development Opportunities
Not-for-Profit Certificate Programs
Two programs, two levels—use our self-assessment tool to find out which certificate is right for you. NFP Section Members save an additional 20%!
Not-for-Profit Certificate
Recommended CPE Credit: 40
Build a solid foundation in the core financial knowledge necessary to work in or with a nonprofit. This program is enhanced with real-world examples, case studies, animations and videos designed to fully engage you as you learn.
Not-for-Profit Certificate II
Recommended CPE Credit: 30
You will learn to apply complex financial concepts in a variety of NFP settings. After completing this program, you will be able to successfully prepare financial statements, complete the IRS Form 990, build complex budgets, perform risk assessments, and much more.
AICPA National Governmental and Not-for-Profit Training Program
June 21 - 23, 2017
Location: National Harbor, MD
The AICPA’s Not-for-Profit Industry Conference is the event that unites CPAs and finance professionals across the spectrum of innovation, from pioneer to novice. Within the wide-ranging program, structured by experience levels and topical areas, you can tailor a learning program specific to your interests
For your convenience, you can also choose to attend the online conference.
Early bird pricing ends May 7. NFP Section Members Save an Additional $50!
Highlighted Publications
Not-for-Profit Entities Industry Developments - Audit Risk Alert
This alert helps you identify important current developments affecting not-for-profit entities and the issues auditors may face as a result of these developments. You'll find targeted discussion of emerging practice issues, plus current economic, accounting and auditing developments.
NFP Section members receive an exclusive discount.
Not-for-Profit Entities: Audit and Accounting Guide
The 2016 edition provides assistance in the preparation, auditing, accounting and reporting of financial statements for NFPs. Topics include reporting complex revenue and expense transactions, including information on reporting donated services between affiliated NFPs, split-interest agreements, contributions and grants, functional expenses and joint costs, and much more.
NFP Section Members receive an exclusive discount.