The CGMA Competency Framework is designed to help management accountants and their employers understand the knowledge requirements and assess the skills needed for both current and desired roles. The framework is underpinned by the need for objectivity, integrity, and ethical behaviour, and includes a commitment to continuously acquire new skills and knowledge.
The CGMA Competency Framework is the foundation that will demonstrate the relevance and capabilities of a CGMA as a trusted finance and business strategist.
Learn how the CGMA Competency Framework was developed, and gain more insight about the role and structure of the finance function. And check these frequently asked questions for additional information.
If you are a student completing your Practical Experience Requirement (PER), use this 2014 Edition of the CGMA Competency Framework. If you are not a student completing your PER then view our CGMA Competency Framework (2019 Edition).
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